This is Grace and charlies blog!.... it hasnt been added to in a while as i am computerlly challenged, and had a lack of internet! apart from that enjoy what has been added so far...

Wednesday, 26 March 2008


I did some re-shooting of the new crime scene today.... and luckily it all went really well!! no wind, no rain! managed to get a huge mixture of different shots to use, which all came out really well... also a couple of extra spontaneous ones!! However my hands are now stained red from fake blood.. and it doesnt seem to want to come off!!! tried to do a couple of shots using the forensic outfit person... but it ended up looking very unrealistic and un-professional so ive decided to go against that idea.. have to see what charile says about that at a later date!!

Funny story... i think that our murder scene ended up looking so realistic... as a couple of people walked past n looked a bit miffed, so Alice had 2 prove she wasn't actually dead or had actually sustained any injuries.... however about 45 minutes after we had started shooting a police car turned up... looking at us like we were a bunch of maniacs.. with me dressed head to toe in white overalls, bloody hands and a very suspicious looking tree! luckily they saw the funny side of it though... laughed, waved and then drove off!!! if ya dont believe me we've even got it on film!

Anyways the overall up date is good news!

Thankyou 2 Alice for being my murder victim and Alex (my sister) for assisting in the madness!!!

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Moody background music....

Ive found some great music 2 go in the background of our thriller.. great for building tension and to generate a feeling of suspense... however i really do not have a clue how to upload the video from you tube onto this blogger thing... One of the songs is by 'Linkin Park' and is called 'My December'... see what you think if you've got enough time to look at it the long way round.
Also if anyone does read this and knows how to put something from you tube. please leave a comment and tell me how :D it will be greatly appreciated :D

pictures from the 1st shooting on the worst ever day of the year possible!

These are some photos taken from our 1st shoot... on what had to be the rainest & windiest day this year... the make up was done by moi (Grace) and is made to look like Alice has been beaten up and left to die..... what do you all think about the realism of her look?
I think it needed to be a little bit more bloody and gory to make it more realistic that she is lying dead in a forest.. with more blood used? Leave a comment... i'd like to know what you think...
Also we found that after we had shot these scenes it was too dark, and have to re-shoot soon, so it would be really helpful if you could tell us what you think.. Thankyou Grace X

Top 5 thrillers!

Grace's top 5 thriller films-
1.) Crash
2.) Phsyco
3.) The Silence of the Lambs
4.) Memento
5.) Se7en